Submissions for our 2025 issue are currently CLOSED.
Submissions are open to all University of Auckland law students. The AULR accepts undergraduate and postgraduate work, dissertations, honours seminar papers and research papers for publication that are of high academic calibre. The articles will typically be between 8,000 and 15,000 words in length; however, submissions for the Ko Ngā Take Ture Māori and Moana Oceania Issues Paper sections may be shorter. Please note that once accepted for publication, we may request authors to cut down their articles to 12,000 words if necessary.
We also invite recent graduates to write case notes, legislation notes and book reviews for the Commentary and Analysis section of the Law Review. These are typically 4,000 to 6,000 words in length. These are done in consultation with the Editors-in-Chief.
Authors will be expected to maintain contact throughout the year, working together with our editors and addressing any issues that arise in relation to their article.
The AULR holds an annual symposium where alumni are invited to speak. Following this symposium, authors and editors are invited to a formal dinner with AULR alumni, including judges, prominent members of the Bar, partners at leading law firms and academics. Authors will be invited to the Journal Launch.